

Cookie Usage Policy on Trustbox.com.ua

As we prioritize your privacy, we would like to provide you with detailed information about how and why we use cookies on our website www.trustbox.com.ua. The following Cookie Policy explains what cookies are, the types of cookies we use, and how you can manage them.

What are cookies? Cookies are small text files that are placed on your device (computer, smartphone, etc.) when you visit a website. They can be used to collect information about your activity on the site, such as the pages you’ve visited, the time spent on the site, and your preferences.

What cookies do we use? On the website www.trustbox.com.ua, we use the following types of cookies:

Necessary cookies: These cookies are essential for the functioning of the website. They allow you to navigate the site and use its core features, such as access to secure sections of the site.

Analytical cookies: We use analytical cookies to collect anonymous information about how users interact with our website. This data helps us improve the quality of our content and optimize the website’s performance.

Preference cookies: These cookies allow the website to remember your preferences, such as language or region selection, making your experience with the website more convenient.

Advertising cookies: We and our partners use advertising cookies to provide you with personalized advertising offers on our website and on other websites.

How can you manage cookies? You can manage cookies by configuring the appropriate settings in your browser. You can block cookies, delete them, or configure notifications about their use. Please note that disabling or deleting cookies may affect the website’s functionality.

You can find additional information on how to manage cookies in your browser settings.

By continuing to use the website www.trustbox.com.ua, you agree to the use of cookies.